The finance function is being significantly impacted by evolution and disruptive changes that are impacting every sphere. The finance function is being forced to transform from its traditional back-office number crunching role to one of being forward-facing, proactive and contributing strategic value to their organisations in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4) era. Such transformation is compounded - yet supported - by digital transformation and technological advances that finance professionals are required to develop competencies in. However, it is also the challenge of developing soft skills that finance professionals must grapple with in order to influence and take a leadership role in their organisations. What therefore would future finance look like? What would be expected of finance in the future? How will the digital environment shape the future of the function? A What new skills and competencies will finance professionals have to develop if they are to remain a relevant value adding contributor to organisations?
This comprehensive 3-day webinar series is a must for every CFO, senior finance manager and every finance professional who wants to be effective in the exciting future of the function and the opportunities to lead their organisations in value creation.
This is not a traditional finance course but one which addresses the emerging challenges and opportunities for finance. It will challenge traditional thinking and influence a mindset change by providing insights into future possibilities that must be exploited.